Every kid has a color. Ashlyn is green, Cameron is blue, Kenley is hot pink, Maddy is Yellow and Nikki is Orange and/or baby pink (this color changes with her mood and as a teenager, this can happen hourly at times). This color depicts which cup is used, bowl, folder for school notices and sports schedules, markings on the monthly calendar and the cubbies in the foyer closet for backpacks and although I hate to write it....winter hats and mittens. Color coordinating kids. It sounds wrong really, but it is the only measure of organization I could think of during my melt down of not knowing where anything was. I am typically and alphabetizer....as you can see above.... but I've learned after nearly 3 months of having 5 kids that they just don't file well! :)They are never in one place at a time!
Mondays we have Ashlyn's volleyball, Tuesdays we split up for Maddy's soccer and Kenley's dance, Wednesday is also shared with Maddy's dance and beginning today we have Awana at church for Ashlyn and Nikki. Thursdays are the soccer games and then Saturday is filled with Volleyball, Flag football and cheerleading practices. Yup, so on top of being back to school we're also back to sports. I know everyone keeps asking me why I would continue to coach cheerleading when I have my own home team to cheer for, but honestly, I can't sacrifice the two hours I get once a week to jump up and down, screaming at the top of my lungs and it actually being appropriate rather than considered psychotic! So there you go. Rah! R-a-h! RAAAAH!
So with this schedule, who has time to blog? Seriously, who has time to socialize?!?! This is our only shot at venting, communicating and keeping in touch with the real world from time to time so we're blogging away!
-God's Blessings and Love to you and your families!
J.B. N. M.A.C.K. Pack
Joe and Brandi N MACK (Nikki, Maddy, Ashlyn, Cameron and Kenley)
Mondays we have Ashlyn's volleyball, Tuesdays we split up for Maddy's soccer and Kenley's dance, Wednesday is also shared with Maddy's dance and beginning today we have Awana at church for Ashlyn and Nikki. Thursdays are the soccer games and then Saturday is filled with Volleyball, Flag football and cheerleading practices. Yup, so on top of being back to school we're also back to sports. I know everyone keeps asking me why I would continue to coach cheerleading when I have my own home team to cheer for, but honestly, I can't sacrifice the two hours I get once a week to jump up and down, screaming at the top of my lungs and it actually being appropriate rather than considered psychotic! So there you go. Rah! R-a-h! RAAAAH!
So with this schedule, who has time to blog? Seriously, who has time to socialize?!?! This is our only shot at venting, communicating and keeping in touch with the real world from time to time so we're blogging away!
-God's Blessings and Love to you and your families!
J.B. N. M.A.C.K. Pack
Joe and Brandi N MACK (Nikki, Maddy, Ashlyn, Cameron and Kenley)
1 comment:
i love it. keep writing. i do it all the time. a good tool to keep you sane. plus you are giving me good ideas since i am totally outnumbered. reading about other peoples chaos makes me feel like my life is not so nuts.
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